The first section for Scouts Australia for boys and girls aged 5 to 8.

This section allows young children to interact with new people and learn many arts and crafts skills that teach patience and personal expression. It also teaches them important life qualities such as simple cooking skills, cleaning, creating and sharing.

Badges earned in this section allow them to achieve the Promise Challenge Award. There is one major camp for Joeys called Kangaree. It runs for one night every two years for Joeys across all of Victoria providing them to meet new friends, experience nights under canvas away from home and participate in lots of fun outdoor activities!

At the moment Watsonia unfortunately can’t cater for a Joey Mob due to lack of volunteers and leaders. However, we are happy to discuss older Joey aged children joining Cubs earlier. We would also love to see the community put up their hands to help these little ones grow and develop in skills and confidence!

Please email our group leader Diana Harrison to express your interest: