Watsonia Scout Group Group Photo

With growing numbers in our Group we can assure you that will have a lot of fun partaking in many adventures in a safe and controlled environment. Scouting is a place to meet new like-minded friends from Watsonia, as well as all over the world.

Scouts is over 100 years old and is the largest movement in the world, providing great value for little cost. In Victoria, the movement is continuously growing by 10% year on year. With an annual fee of $480 in 2023 and $460 each for siblings, it’s a great and affordable activity for youth! All our volunteer leaders are fully trained and have Working With Children cards.

Our members are in units.


Units Age
Joey Scouts 5-7 years old
Cub Scouts 8-10 years old
Scouts 11-14 years old
Venturer Scouts 15-17 years old
Rover Scouts 18-25 years old